Nick Briscoe grew up around water, but he isn’t your average water baby. That’s because he’s always been more interested in studying water than swimming in it.
Not that Nick didn’t spend many a childhood summer’s day hanging out in the family’s backyard pool in Frankston, Victoria. He and his siblings pretty much lived in the water, even on those cooler days Victoria is so renowned for.
It’s just that Nick was a bit like his dad, who owned and operated one of Australia’s first pool maintenance businesses in the late 1970s. He was fascinated by the mechanics of the pool, the quality of the water and the possibilities it held for improvement. Nick always had a thirsty mind. He followed his instincts, gaining the tools he needed to advance in the swimming pool industry. This led to trade qualifications in plumbing, mechanical services, hydraulic design, construction and basic electrical applications.

The burning question: Can a chlorine-free pool be safe?
Building a career
Nick spent years working in pool maintenance before developing his skills as a plumber and builder. Yet he always came back to the same questions.
Firstly, if a dip in the pool is such a treasured part of Aussie heritage, why does it have so many after-effects for so many people? Think asthma, eczema, burning eyes, dry skin and hair, sagging bathers and that suffocating smell . . . the rich legacy of chlorine.
And secondly, if chlorine is taken out of pool water, are there any safe and healthy alternatives? Salt goes some of the way – but gets converted into chlorine during the electrolysis process anyway.
Then it got really close to home for Nick. His son Dalton developed serious skin and respiratory issues after bathing in his backyard pool. It got so bad, Dalton was forced to sit on the sidelines while his brother and sister splashed around for hours.
When the family moved from Langwarrin in Victoria to the Gold Coast in South East Queensland, the problem only got worse. With all those hours of sunshine, all the kids wanted to do was play in the pool. And Dalton started pestering his dad for a solution.
Finding inspiration
Nick had always been an inventor of sorts. The Briscoe family had grown accustomed to his dedication to science. In his formative years they tolerated all sorts of bizarre experiments and scientific inquiries – some a little excessive for a house in the suburbs.
As Nick says: “First you need some space to dream – you always need to be able to feel free to explore even the most outrageous ideas.”
But Nick always knew he’d get there in the end. As long as he reached his destination without blowing anyone up!
Fortunately, Dalton’s plight gave Nick the perfect opportunity to throw himself into his scientific pursuits. It was no longer an indulgence or a hobby. It was a calling.
He set about creating a water sanitisation system which would produce clean, clear, non-toxic water without chlorine and the associated range of harsh pool chemicals. And he eventually succeeded. Hydroxypure was born.
Nick saw the delight on his son’s face as he finally swam, for as long as he wanted, in beautifully pure water which left barely a trace on his skin and lungs. Indeed, Nick noticed that Dalton’s skin condition even seemed to improve after he’d been in Hydroxypure water.
The big breakthrough
If it could work for Dalton, it could work for swimmers across Australia – and around the world.
So, Nick partnered with renowned global swimming pool and water treatment manufacturer Waterco Ltd. This would help bring the product to market and introduce Hydroxypure to a wider commercial audience.
After years of research and development, the advanced water sanitisation system found its first commercial application in the children’s pool and waterfall at Turtle Beach Resort on the Gold Coast. Following a stringent six-month health and safety trial, the Gold Coast authorities approved the system in 2014.
The rise of Hydroxypure
Hydroxypure has built a devoted audience since then. However, it was just the start of another journey for Nick and the Waterco team.
In the intervening years, they’ve put their heads together to create a more streamlined system which wins out in terms of affordability, ease of use and sheer flexibility.
That’s Oxi Swim, the ultimate in streamlined efficiency and multi-mode water sanitisation for domestic and commercial pools everywhere – incorporating ground-breaking technology in the shape of the Hydroxyl Radical Generator and Chemflo Pro units.
The Hydroxypure system has been deployed globally in a range of exciting ventures.
- In London, the £200 million Riverlight development is using Hydroxypure to keep its stunning water features clear and clean.
- In New Zealand, Hydroxypure has been used in a pop-up pool program for schools and a chlorine-free, crystal clear dive tank on the movie set of Warner Bros. blockbuster The Meg.
- In Malaysia, Hydroxypure is boosting water quality and reducing propagation time at a major hydroponic farm.